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Welcome to Pacific Patina where you can SHOP for handmade jewelry and gifts inspired by the Pacific: Alaska to California and the original beaded kumihimo mapping software, the BKG Pattern Maker.


Pacific Patina is also a place to LEARN. You will find information about sea glass and sea pottery as well as resources for the ancient Japanese art of kumihimo braiding.

Sea Glass Button Bracelet
Sea Glass Bottle Stopper
Free Kumihimo Tutorial
Sea Glass Pendant & Kumihimo Braid
Kodiak Sea Glass
BKG Pattern Maker Software
Edo Yatsu Braid
Marudai Braid
Sea Glass Loop Closure
Sea Glass Wine Charms
Infinite Edges Necklace
Jewel Beach Sampler Bracelet
Cherry Blossoms Kumihimo

See what's new at Pacific Patina...

It has been quiet and busy!

September 06, 2018

Things are different!

New Free Pattern!

June 06, 2016

Spotted Helix is the new free pattern!


You can now find Spotted Helix via the link below or under the "Learn > Kumihimo > Beaded Kumihimo Patterns" site area.


Have a question, comment or suggestion? Feel free to Use the "Contact" link at any time!

Bead & Button Magazine: Special Kumihimo Issue

May 10, 2016

Well this is neat!


Bead & Button Magazine published a special all Kumihimo issue this year and since I was a little preoccupied and busy with our family news at the beginning of the year I did not submit a project.


However! Pacific Patina was mentioned! The BKG Pattern Maker software was listed on Page 94 in the "Kumihimo resources" section! Not bad at all!

More Possibilities!

December 22, 2015

New Tutorial, More Infinite Possibilities!


"Infinite Edges Necklaces" means MORE infinite fun! 17 pages and 9 loading charts means you can customize length and number of duo sections to suit any desire.

Holiday Inspiration

December 15, 2015

New Tutorial, Infintie Possibilities!


"Infinite Edges" means infinite fun! The newest Pacific Patina Kumihimo tutorial combines two hole beads and a core technique to allow you to add beautiful edges as you braid. No stitching afterwards!

New Braid Structure Instructions!

November 03, 2015

Did you know there are tons of Kumihimo braid structures?! Most know the 8 element Kongo Gumi structure very well but if you want to expand your Kumihimo knowledge consider giving a new structure a try. You don't even need a marudai to do it. I added Kaku Yatsu braid structure instructions today to the Braid Structures section of the "Learn Kumihimo" page. Take a peek and have a blast getting creative and creating something beautiful!

Technically not...

October 26, 2015

Ok, truth be told this is not a true result of inspiration from the Pacific but I do have a little UK connection; my maiden name is Cornish. That coupled with a request a while back for Union Jack kumihimo pattern was more than enough to have fun creating an eye catching pattern to mimic the iconic UK flag. You can find the new pattern exclusively here!

Reminiscing Mexico...

October 14, 2015

It's been just a week since coming home from beautiful Puerto Morelos, Mexico and I am craving papaya! Before leaving I had lots of fun shopping for some new dresses and creating some last-minute "tropical" colors jewelry to match. To see pictures of the finished necklace and two bracelets check out my Facebook page!

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Copyright © 2015 Heidi Sather of Pacific Patina

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